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- New Jersey
How do I know how much is expected of me on a rough in? I've always worked in the commercial/industrial market and have just started doing residential...The inspector insulted me to my customer because I didn't pigtail all the neutrals/grounded conductors in the boxes on a home remodel / addition before the inspection and he also told my customer Ishould have left the ground rods for the new service exposed. I'VE ALREADY HAD TWO OTHER INSPECTORS TELL ME TO DRIVE THEM INTO THE GROUND AND THEY WILL FIND THEM. Who or where are the rules for roughing in.I know what is expected of me for the final inspection but am sometimes confused on how far to go roughing in...Are there any guidlines or is this up to each AHJ individually.I've have been to date a little upset with the way the AHJ has handled himself in my absence (just homeowner present)and when you are there it it is a totally different story...
Licensed Electrical Contractor NJ
Licensed Electrical Contractor NJ
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