Roughing nightmares in NJ

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I've never had a reinspection fee. I think they start them after the first re-inspection here.
Here they charge and if same item fails again they double it. I have no problem with minor charges as i know it does cost the ahj.. When they start doubling then it becomes more like a fine. I have a friend that is a state certified inspector and he has told me about some that fail 3 or 4 times because the EC never checks his mens work. At 4 they get takin to the board of licensing.
My point is they still look ok as long as 1 item is justified. That might be something so small that they normally just tell you to fix it and sign you off as long as your there.
Hello all,

I did the three things he wanted and he passed me, the builder is relieved. Oakey I hope the final goes smooth and not how you predicted. I don't know how much patienc I'll have by the final or on any other jobs that he inspects.

Thanks to all for the support!!!
Hello all,

I did the three things he wanted and he passed me, the builder is relieved. Oakey I hope the final goes smooth and not how you predicted. I don't know how much patienc I'll have by the final or on any other jobs that he inspects.

Thanks to all for the support!!!

You simply gave in and i understand doing so to keep GC happy and get paid. Hate to say this but you will have problems with this type of guy on the final and any other jobs in HIS TOWN. Up to you alone as to take it or fight. Letting him get away with this makes it harder on everyone.
I don't mean to be so glum, Ive had a lot of history there so I guess Im just a tad fed up with him. You'll be fine I'm sure.
I don't mean to be so glum, Ive had a lot of history there so I guess Im just a tad fed up with him.
You and most of Bergen, Passaic and Morris Counties. Word on the street has it that he got into a scrap with a union contractor and got his lights punched out. Many EC's have heard the same story but I haven't been able to confirm.
As an inspector for many years now - two things I take from this conversation:

1. Inspectors such as the one in question make life very difficult for contractors and other inspectors alike. This guy needs to find a different line of work.

2. Any talk of cement shoes or fishing trips in the everglades, even in jest, is over the line, IMO. I've been on the receiving end of real and veiled threats, and its not a joking matter.
As an inspector for many years now - two things I take from this conversation:

1. Inspectors such as the one in question make life very difficult for contractors and other inspectors alike. This guy needs to find a different line of work.
Agreed. There's been a letter campaign to oust him along with numerous talks from the DCA officials but he still goes on.
2. Any talk of cement shoes or fishing trips in the everglades, even in jest, is over the line, IMO. I've been on the receiving end of real and veiled threats, and its not a joking matter.
Also agree. Just wanted to point out that the comment I made was based on second hand informationl. From what I was told he did get into a scrap with a union contractor and word has it that there were more than words exchanged but I haven't been able to verify.
I respect you position.
What many of use here are griping about is inspectors and AHJ making things up as they go. Making policy without going through proper procedures, applying different rules to different EC's.

I don't mind a tough inspector at all. I would prefer it. What I don't like is the making of their own codes, not just interpetation. If there is a code that perhaps is vague and is open to interpetation then the AHJ should product a policy decision for all to obide by. This is seldom done.

Just my thoughts
has anybody who has complained about this inspector ever contacted regulatory affairs at DCA?
As an inspector for many years now - two things I take from this conversation:

1. Inspectors such as the one in question make life very difficult for contractors and other inspectors alike. This guy needs to find a different line of work.

2. Any talk of cement shoes or fishing trips in the everglades, even in jest, is over the line, IMO. I've been on the receiving end of real and veiled threats, and its not a joking matter.

Bad inspectors are about same as a corrupt cop. Neither get or deserve respect. The ones that do there job and back it up with code i have no issues with. Ones that go on a power trip need removed. Hopefully removed the legal way.
We are here to make a living and receiving unearned tags are taking money out of our pockets. Hopefully your not one of them. By being here i assume your one of the ones that are trying to follow nec
has anybody who has complained about this inspector ever contacted regulatory affairs at DCA?
Been there; done that; numerous times; in writing; letters back and forth; time lost on the job, etc., etc. etc. As others have mentioned you end up winning the battle but losing the war. He comes back on another job with the same crapola and you start all over again. To date, the only way we here have been able to combat this is to raise the prices of jobs in the townships he inspects in. The sad part of that is there are always newbees coming into the area that are unfamiliar with him and low-ball the job. You have to pay for your education. When I'm asked to do work in those towns I explain that my prices are going to be high because....... !!!
. By being here i assume your one of the ones that are trying to follow nec

You nailed a senior inspector I spend a GREAT deal of my time researching codes and working with our inspectors to make sure we're all on the same page with our inspections, and that the page is straight outta the book. I often turn to this forum for NEC guidance - you all are a wealth of great info.


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That's despicable for a contractor to do! :mad:
I agree. Short of threatening my life or the lives of my family there's nothing that would get me to that point. However, not everyone has the same boiling point. Just think about what it must take to get someone to that level. It's one thing to fail a job for minor stuff like a KO missing from a box on a job worth a few hundred dollars but quite another when a job is in the tens of thousands of dollars. Most inspectors would just say "put a KO seal in the box" and give you a passed sticker to allow the job to move forward. This guy will fail the job and come back 3 days later to re-inspect.
Ultimately, if someone is wrong (especially in that type of position) their pride gets in the way of them admitting that they are wrong.

One thing I have always seen is that their boss isn't willing to tell them, hey you are mistaken on this and he (EC) isn't wrong, let it be. Why that is I don't know.
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