Running power and HDMI

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I've always run power as far away from low voltage as possible. I haven't been keeping up with newer technologies, and I was wondering if it was possible to run power and HDMI cables in parellel in close proximity for short distances?

The reason why I ask is because I have a few jobs coming up in which I have to mount flat panel televisions above the fireplace. To do this, I will have to make holes, but I would like to limit the total amount of holes and also the size of the holes to 4" (I use a 4" grit holesaw, it's easy to patch too). From these holes I can drill the joists and snake the wires through. My only concern is that in order to keep the HDMI cables away from the romex I would have to make a second set of holes.

Is it still necessary to keep these cables away from power? Is HDMI different and less susceptible to interference?
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