Safety or NOT!

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so 'they' will now start forcing citizens to have a land line!!

I do not see any where in 800.156 that says the HO is forced into having the line hooked up by the tel. provider. As I said before the voice over IP is not a reliable source for 911 calls as to find the address the call comes from.
But because you are "free" and "brave" you have the right to not have a reliable source for the fire dept. or ambulance to find you in the event of an emergency.

Example, only a wireless (satellite or WiFi) service for the structure. All services come from that point. What would be considered the service provider demarcation point?

When I do a home, if the HO doesn't want a network system installed, I just stub the phone line out close to the meter base. The phone co. can then install their box and terminate the wire.
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