Samsung Dryer turning off after replacing the thermal fuze

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Hi guys ,

I have a Samsung Washer/Dryer. It was not drying clothes completely and last time the repaire man was at my place he replaced the thermal fuse. I watched what he was doing and I asked him for a replacement just to have it in the future. Now the same problem again. So I opened the dryer and replaced with the one he gave me. The problem is I did not take a picture of how the wires were connected. There is the thermal fuse connected with black- short and red -long wire. And near there is another fuze with the same cables. When I turn the dryer on and it starts the drying process, the power fuse of my appartment switces off. I even installed the old one back.I tried different connections but still the same problem. I presumed that since the black is shorter, it should be connected to the closest pin. Does it matter how I insall the fuze, does it have some plus and minus and i have to connect it a certain way?I am attaching a picture. The fuse is in the upper right side. dryer.jpg
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