Save the date: New England/New York Meet and Greet

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Save the date: New England/New York Meet and Greet

  • Definitely

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • I don't want Peter D's hack ways to wear off on me, so no way

    Votes: 20 76.9%

  • Total voters
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It was good to meet the guys in real life and put faces to the names.

Thanks Pierre for the dinner.

I hit the slots on the way out and left the indians a donation. :grin:
Pierre took a bunch, Peter a couple. :smile:

I think Pierre is busy overloading his CPU trying to use photoshop to make us look good. :D

Unfortunately, I did try my hand at improving the pictures and the grid in my neighborhood went down...something about there not being enough power to do it. :grin:

I actually spend some time with my father on Sunday mornings, I am uploading the pictures as I type.

Soon, soon those guys are going to regret letting me take the pictures. ;)
All kidding aside, this was an extremely fun night, and I really enjoyed meeting all of the guys.


Peter set the night up, and did a great job. I can say he is genuinely a really nice guy and I am very glad to have met him in person. I think this picture does him justice, very friendly. Even if he is a Redsox fan


I know I am going to kill Bob's image, but he is much friendlier than his Clint image set him up as. Meeting Bob was also great. He is soft spoken and sincere, and I now have a much different image of him, one I like very much. Another Redsox fan


Scott was another soft spoken guy, very easy to get along with, and fun to talk to. Another Redsox fan


I think this picture of Tim does him justice, a very friendly and easy going individual. I really enjoyed his company. Another Redsox fan.


Sherman got there late, but he came to my rescue, finally a Yankees fan.;)
Sherman has alot of energy and some great stories. He also had a great sense of humor.
I believe last night was probably his last night in the electrical industry. He either won a ton of money or his wife is not letting him back in the house. :grin:

All in all, the night was more than worth the wait. Meeting Peter, Bob, Scott, Tim and Sherman in person is was so worth it. I really enjoyed myself and I would certainly do it again.

For those who still have the opportunity to go to one of the meet &greets in th near future, take the time and do it, you will not be sorry you did.
All in all, the night was more than worth the wait. Meeting Peter, Bob, Scott, Tim and Sherman in person is was so worth it. I really enjoyed myself and I would certainly do it again.

For those who still have the opportunity to go to one of the meet &greets in th near future, take the time and do it, you will not be sorry you did.

I agree. :cool: The meet and greet definitely exceeded my expectations (as I didn't know what to expect ;) ) It was nice to put faces to names even though I had a slight advantage as I've worked at the same company with Bob and Tim and already knew them. It was nice to meet Scott, Pierre, and Sherman, who contrary to popular belief is actually a man and not a cow. :D

I, too, strongly encourage you to make it your local meet and greet, or plan one.
I turned around and there was a rather tremendous individual behind me. He took the camera and did a pretty good job.

Bob made a comment later that if this guy wanted to walk away with the camera, none of us would have been able to stop him. I did not realize till he said that, how large this guy was. :grin:
I turned around and there was a rather tremendous individual behind me. He took the camera and did a pretty good job.

Bob made a comment later that if this guy wanted to walk away with the camera, none of us would have been able to stop him. I did not realize till he said that, how large this guy was. :grin:

So....... Bob ended up being the least drunk?

The Secret Special Guest did not show up. Oh well...his loss.

Now that the gig's done, are you gonna let us in on who it is?
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