Originally I wrote "swimming pool full of gasoline" but changed the word gasoline to aviation fuel the last second to make it imaginatively more explosive. But you were right. Aviation fuel when not atomized is like kerosene as I was reading many links after your comment.
Whenever I saw a tanker of aviation fuel in the street. I raced away or far from it fearing an accidental explosion that can take out the entire block. So it's not really flammable so I can my park car near it now

Thanks for the video. Gasoline tanker then is the more dangerous. So let me changed the description back to "swimming pool full of gasoline" with cigarette lighter ignition source. I was wondering if a thin layer of carbon could act like ignition source to the conductors at industrial switch gear with huge incident energy. In high tension power lines with very high voltage. It's set more distant apart to avoid spontaneous arc flashes. So I wonder if conductors in industrial switch gears have the current wanting to embrace and any carbon layer can become the "ignition source".