Securing Multiple Large Wires to a single stud

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New member
Long island, ny
Hi, I'm in the process of adding new circuits following a panel upgrade and I'm trying to secure the larger gauge wires coming out the top. Right now I got the panel ground conductor (8AWG thhn), the dryer cable (10/3 NMB) and I'm trying to run an AC wire and car charger (using a 6/3 NMB for both). The problem is I can't find a cable stacker for these cables. But they need to be in the same bay because that's where the panel is that they are coming from and I'd like to keep down the number of walls I need to open up. They are being rub throughout the garage ceiling and down the garage wall to the crawl space.

How do I maintain the 1 1/4 inch to stud face when running large conductors like this?

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