Security Wiring ... Solder or crimp splices?

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These are what I think of when I hear Beanie.

I have only heard those called button splices.
With dolphin connectors you do not even have to strip the wire before crimping.

The only time I will use them is with stripped and twisted conductors usually only to splice stranded to stranded or stranded to solid. Something you can't do with Scotch Locks.

We call them beanies by the way, and since security guys are about the only ones who still use them they are called "beanie boys".


We use them but only on stripped conductors. I have never used them with out stripping the conductor because they have proven to be unreliable (in my experience) with that method.
As far as using the proper crimper, I have never seen one and probably will never use one. Linesman pliers do just fine 95% of the time IMHO.

We call them "beanies" or B connectors.
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