Not only would there been no EGC's with tinned copper, the conductors weren't as likely to have thermoplastic insulation either.
Definitely a mix of TW (the AL) and the newer "THHN-like" insulation (the white NM).
Not only would there been no EGC's with tinned copper, the conductors weren't as likely to have thermoplastic insulation either.
Will the real bluecollar84 please stand up!!
Is this a quiz or will it be a question on the E-1 exam.:lol:
Definitely a mix of TW (the AL) and the newer "THHN-like" insulation (the white NM).
TW and THHN are both thermoplastic though. Tinned copper often has rubber insulation.
Sorry for any misunderstandingI know that and when you got the :thumbsup:, it was an acknowledgement that you had correctly caught that the conductors are a TP of some sort.
I think this could be partially related to his other recent thread about Aluminum wiring.
Whatever the case is, as said above, whats in the pic wont fly. The joints look fine w/no signs of failure, but still, they have been done incorrectly (or at least in a way that wouldn't meet current code) and the setup, as is, is potentially dangerous.
The OP needs to peruse that other thread for the solutions on that, he needs a KO seal, drywall needs to be fixed, box may need better/different support than whats there... etc. Fletcher is right too about the lack of free conductor, though I'd say that most of the conductors are just shy of whats required and there is at least enough there to work with and it isn't extra crispy- an rarity in many of those older CBs if that has been there a while.
Didnt notice before, but the missing screw may be due to what appears to be no threads left in that mounting tab.