M. D.
Senior Member
Dennis, this is a very good question.
250.104(C) requires that exposed structural metal that is not intentionally grounded and is likely to become energized shall be bonded to the service equipment enclosure, the grounded conductor at the service, the grounding electrode conductor or the grounding electrodes used. This also requires that the bonding jumper used to connect the building metal be sized in accordance with 250.66 and installed in accordance with 250.64(A),(B), and (E).
This section does not really address a detached structure.
IMHO, the easiest way to comply with this section is to intentionally ground the metal by connecting it to 2 ground rods.
I'm not sure that the equipment grounding conductor connected to the metal frame could be counted as being not "intentionally grounded" If so they need to change the name of it
Grounded(Grounding). Connected (connecting) to ground or to a conductive body that extends the ground connection
Ground. The earth