334.80 applies to SE used as an interior branch circuit or feeder ONLY when applying the 2008 NEC, but does not apply in cycles following the 2008 NEC. In the 2011 and 2014 NEC, SE cable is specifically not subject to 334.80.
Also, you are allowed to use 310.15(A)(2)Exception in the 2011 and 2014 without further limitation by 334.80 (since it does not apply to SE cable). Therefore, if your cable is installed in thermal insulation for less than 10 ft or 10% of the run, you can use the higher ampacity of a 75C SE cable. In the 2008 NEC, the prohibition against using 310.15(A)(2)Exception applies only to more than two cables with two or more current-carrying conductors installed without maintaining spacing through openings in wood framing with fire- or draft-stopping.