I am not really disagreeing, just that logically I wonder why why can drill pretty much anything else with just about no rules or oversight whatsoever but drilling a truss is the 8th deadly sin. I did a house that had an engineered framing package and me and the HVAC guy had to drill tons of holes through TJI's, PSLs, and LSL's. He had to drill lots of 6 inch holes for ducting. We had the allowable holes sheet from the manufacturer and it was amazing how much material we we allowed to remove. I guess one argument is that floors are typically designed for sturdiness and "feel" and this puts them very much above the strength they would need to not structurally fail (although in this case, some of the PSL's were supporting walls above them). But then there are rafters and collar ties which again no one blinks and eye at drilling. Perhaps the argument here is that trusses are engineered closer to to design limit where as "rule of thumb framing" is typically way overkill.