Service call goal

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Mainly to dissuade them from choosing a motion sensor.

I thought you met after the install...

We are after all salesmen (contractors and hopefully service electricians). That does not mean we are Tin Men (1987 Richard Dreyfus, Danny DeVito).
Also if i had to pad all our work with a warranty fee, to help defer future costs, I wouldn't be as competitive as I am, or as sucessful, for that matter.

Life's tough.:rolleyes:

I try my best not to cause call backs for my employer, that said I don't work for free unless it's my choice.

If my employer told me I had to go back to such and such place for free I would be looking for a new employer.
couple of things to think about....

if a guy rarely makes mistakes, and usually makes you money, you work with him

if a guy makes a lot of silly mistakes, and gets a lot of call backs, you are less likely to work with him

"if the guy makes that many mistakes, fire him" you say....sometimes the bodies are more important than the brains depending on the projects you have going on. (i.e. - sometimes you will hold on too someone past their expiration date, because you need the body)
Don: I wonder how many contractors ever enfore that one?
I don't know of any and our agreement goes on to say that the LU will take no part in the enforcement of this section.
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