service call today

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Hi guys,
Had a call today a man was complaining about a hum in his house. Said it sounded electrical in nature. Went through the panal shutting things down to no avail shut off the main, could still hear this hum. called the P.O.C.O. see if they had any ideas. the service man pulled the main we could still hear this hum. he checked the grounds every thing tested good. This house is a rarual home 5 years old. The water is a 1/2 hp pump, foarced air gas furnace. I'm hoping that any one else has run into a similar problem. Thanks
One of two things must be true. Either it is a battery powered device (e.g., pith helmet fan) or it is not electrical in nature. Can it be localized to a specific room, or can you even tell if it is indoors?
Try shutting down the pump and releasing the pressure from the tank.

You may have a water valve that is defective.

If you can record the sound and take a look at it with a program like Audacity you will easily be able to tell if the sound is 60 Hz or not. If the frequency is not related to 60 Hz, it's nearly assured it isn't electrical.
Guys, Thank you for the info, seems the back flow valve was bad on the well pump. This inturn made the water go back into the well, thus creating that hum. Had a plumber change it out,and the best news got paid fot the job.
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