Dennis, the question I raised, the thing I don't know, is whether the neutral conductor of a high leg delta would carry only the unbalanced current from the three phases. To me, it is not obviously a yes or a no. On one hand, whatever current leaves on Phase A and doesn't return on either Phase B or C must necessarily return on the neutral. So that tends to make the answer "yes." But the math is not as simple as it is on a 4-wire from a wye secondary. I once proved, mathematically, that the total heat generated by balanced current in three phases will be higher than the total heat generated by lower currents in the phase conductors and the remaining unbalanced current in the neutral, assuming the same power is fed in both circumstances. But I don't have that proof handy anymore, and I don't know whether it would work the same for a high leg delta.
To that I will add that310.15(B)(5) gives us two cases in which the neutral would count as a CCC. The high leg delta is not one of those cases. So it is left up to us to decide whether the neutral only carries unbalanced current from the phases.