Service Conductor wiring trough

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Senior Member
New Orleans, LA
Here is a service for a residential apartment building, with four 800 Amp disconnects feeding different meter centers, and a house meter CT cabinet feeding two 400 Amp disconnects.

Everything ahead of the service disconnects is considered service conductors, and does not apply to the tap rules in the NEC. Does anyone see a code violation in this service configuration containing two wiring troughs?

Here is a service for a residential apartment building, with four 800 Amp disconnects feeding different meter centers, and a house meter CT cabinet feeding two 400 Amp disconnects.

Everything ahead of the service disconnects is considered service conductors, and does not apply to the tap rules in the NEC. Does anyone see a code violation in this service configuration containing two wiring troughs?

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Check your utility. Many will require a single switch not a service disconnect for over a certain amps. Here it is 800 amps. Over current protection no required.
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