Service Drop Connection


HVAC & Electrical Contractor
Southern California
Contractor, C10 & C20 - Semi Retired
Wow, that's seen better days. :)

This is the original service 1972, General Electric125-amp panel. Southern California Edison has been through here with (3) upgrades to their system. Each time they reconnected and cut back on my service wiring. I don't know if there is enough left to re-connect.
I dont like the lack of wraps the preform has around the messenger because it is too short. That is mongrel. Nothing wrong with the tape, its just to keep the cover from popping off as the tabs on the cover often dont grab well.


Senior Member
The old H-taps that they cut off had the plastic covers on them. I met the crew of 4 utility workers when they showed up. The one guy who did all of the work was very young and looked pretty green the other three older guys stood there and watched while he did the work. Two crew's to make the permanent connections, guessing things are kind of slow at the POCO.
Similar to PECO/Exelon. They sent out three trucks and a supervisor in a car to have one linemen make the 8 connections on a 800amp service I installed. Worse part they showed up 3 days late and refused to upsize the old pole transformer that was feeding a 200 & 600 amp service. Less then a month later transformer burnt out and they still refused to increase transformer and that one only lasted maybe a year.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
It looks to me like just a few thin wraps of tape around the same type crimp as the bare one on the neutral
That's correct there is no cover just the H-tap and tape. Yesterday I was removing the old porcelain and I noticed that the tape was already coming off. Not bad lasted 4 days. I'm going to re-insulate them with Scotch mastic pads and tape. The stuff I put on the temporary connections was better than what they did. :rolleyes:

Service Drop2.jpg


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Most are up grades from 60 or 100 to 150 or 200A. Regardless if the wire won't reach doing anything to make it work is a hack job
This was not a service upgrade just a replacement of a 200 amp service. The drop was there for about 27 years. Six months ago they installed a new pole by the road and the drop was too short so they just spliced on 6' instead of replacing it.