Service entrance condutors

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Re: Service entrance condutors

Originally posted by iwire:
Would you try to calculate the service conductor size for the bus bar rating by using 310.16?
I think I would do it in that manner. I would have to assume that the busbars are rated for the full rating of the enclosure.

I don't think UL would allow you to call your enclosure a 400A panel if the busbars were not capable of safely handling 400A. I would use 310.15 or 310.16, whichever applies.
Re: Service entrance condutors

I have attempted to stay out of this one but I feel like I am forced to jump in.

Bennie, the service point is wherever the Code says it is in the edition that is adopted by the governing body in the area where a building is located. It does not make any difference what happened in the near or far past when the AHJ is enforcing the Code rules.

The service point now includes everything past the point of connection to the electric utility's power. It makes no difference whether that point is at the meter fitting, service head, service pedestal, top of the riser pole, or any other location.

The premises wiring system is defined as ". . . that extends from the service point . . . to the outlet(s)." :cool:
Re: Service entrance condutors

Charlie: I may be an "id (ten) t" for dissagreeing with you. I regard the service point as being the supply side of the final branch circuit breaker.

I base this on the origin of domestic power. As I stated before a service was a fuse and knife switch. One side, of the fuse, was the service the other side was the premises wiring system.

This is the point where the utility delivers power to the premises system. I don't think this physical feature can be modified by ownership of the material or jurisdiction of work.

What I am saying is, the premises wiring starts on the load side of the branch circuit breaker. The service point is on the line side of the branch breaker or final overcurrent device, not on the line side of the main disconnect switch or switches.
Re: Service entrance condutors

I regard the service point as being the supply side of the final branch circuit breaker.
Bennie, it is OK for you to feel that way and even to express your opinion to that point. However, there may be those who do not have knowledge as solid as others who do not understand that you are expressing an opinion and not what the Code is saying.

What I am asking is for you to state that you are expressing you own opinion instead of the verbiage that is in the Code.

I do understand a bit of what you are talking about. I used to lay on the floor in front of the radio to listen to Henry Aldrich, Fibber McGee & Molly, Guildersleeves, The Shadow, and others. You only have me by a few years. :D
Re: Service entrance condutors

Originally posted by charlie:I used to lay on the floor in front of the radio to listen to Henry Aldrich, Fibber McGee & Molly, Guildersleeves, The Shadow, and others.
This is way off the topic, and I hope you don?t think I am making game at your expense. But one of the funniest things I have ever heard (or so I thought at the time, at least) was a question that my sister innocently asked my parents over 40 years ago. The family was watching something on TV, when someone had brought up the topic of the radio shows of my parents? youth. My sister asked, ?When you were listening to theses shows, did you actually LOOK AT the radio?? :D
Re: Service entrance condutors

I can't resist getting into this. My favorites were the Lone Ranger, Jack Armstrong, the All American Boy, The Shadow, and later Charlie McCarthy.

Instead of watching a tube I was playing with my WWII planes, tanks, and ships. Or looking out the window and chewing idly on the lead paint.

Never affected me any, me any, me any,...oops!

Re: Service entrance condutors

Wayne, LOL.

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