Service Panel: neutral and grounding conductors terminate on a single bus bar.

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The only reason would be because it's different and might be asked about. But the majority of inspectors who have responded on other forums thought that it was better left unmentioned.
I would agree about leaving it unmentioned. Mentioning it in a report would be a signal that the inspector doesn't really understand why there is a single bar with the both EGC's and neutrals connected to it at the service. What was the prevalent opinion over at InterNACHI?
Seen that a good bit. Must have been pretty common.
I liked that vs mixing conductors from other circuits - didn't have to worry as much about opening a neutral under load and worse yet if it were a neutral for a MWBC, presuming you turned the breaker off for the circuit you were working on all you were impacting was the neutral and EGC of the same circuit.
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