Service Rated ATS

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Senior Member
For new industrial facility, 1200 A 480/277 service - standby generator with ATS and all loads able to be powered from genset -

Is service rated transfer switch with integral mains the most efficient design that most people are specifying? Is there any benefit to a separate service disconnect from a maintenance or arc-flash perspective?
What do you mean by that? Because nobody responded? Maybe it's just that nobody had an opinion. For my part, I didn't see your post until now.

I for one always preferred using an ATS that was SUSE because it eliminated another device and connection. But honestly, the SUSE issue limits your available choices as well and in the long run I gave up on it simply because I had trouble finding local representation for the few brands that were SUSE listed.
I am finding more installations where the tow are separated to facilitate 70E and PPE requirements.
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