Setting address on fa device

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There's an android app called "simplex_switches" that helps, don't know if there's an apple option. Just punch in the addy you want and press the "S" logo, it will show you the dip switch "up's and down's"

It cuts out the math part :happyyes:


EST stuff doesn't require that you deal with dip switches or rotary dials. Much easier. :thumbsup:
Until you get a map error or better yet, no map at all.

I was once told that even if you have the genuine EST software, i.e. are a licensed dealer, if you don't have the original laptop used to program the panel you have to start from square one. Don't know the truth of it myself, but that wouldn't be a product I'd care to rep if true.
EST Stuff

EST Stuff

I was once told that even if you have the genuine EST software, i.e. are a licensed dealer, if you don't have the original laptop used to program the panel you have to start from square one. Don't know the truth of it myself, but that wouldn't be a product I'd care to rep if true.

Not the laptop, but the original "program" EST 3, 3X and 2 you cannot "suck" out the program, you can retrieve certain info, but not the complete program. That being said, if you know what you are doing it is a very good product IMHO.


You do not have to have the original laptop; however, you cannot extract the program from the panel. So if you do not have the latest database of what is in the panel or have nothing, you are outta luck.
You do not have to have the original laptop; however, you cannot extract the program from the panel. So if you do not have the latest database of what is in the panel or have nothing, you are outta luck.

I suppose that's supposed to make it more secure, but companies do go out of business and programs disks can get lost and files get corrupted. At least with Siemens, as long as the panel is functioning you can get the program out of it eventually.
Ummm, Binary 101 FTW??

Ummm, Binary 101 FTW??

Wow... Dude... read the chart. It explains it all. If you can't understand binary stick with basic power & lighting.

The chart tells you how to set the DIP switches from left to right. A '1' means turn the DIP to 'ON', a '0' means flip the DIP to 'OFF'. There's eight switches on the DIP, the chart breaks it out to the first four and the last four. You can figure it all out. This isn't hard at all. If you know binary you don't even need the chart. We provide that for dummies.

We even label the bits on some equipment, most notably bases, IM's, and Relays. It's simple addition. You don't even need a calculator.

If you're stuck, call for help. If you address everything wrong before you install it, it will cost you so much more for us to fix it.

And honestly, you shouldn't be addressing at all. We don't trust electricians to address equipment. Either request Simplex do the install, or you be provided with pre-addressed devices that you simply screw to the wall/ceiling/box.

Good luck. Don't blow it up.
Wow... Dude... ...

And honestly, you shouldn't be addressing at all. We don't trust electricians to address equipment. Either request Simplex do the install, or you be provided with pre-addressed devices that you simply screw to the wall/ceiling/box.

WOW ... really, DUDE.

I don't know if you represent the company namesake... regardless, that remark is way out of line and condescending of all electricians!!!
We don't trust electricians to address equipment

Really??? Heres a good
for you!
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