SEU or MC for 48 amp EV charge #6/2

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As above, running power thru basement to 48 amp EV charger through wall into charger in garage. Will go through wall directly into charger. Debating on MC 6/2 versus SEU 6-6-8. Thoughts please. Will be on 60 amp breaker.
I meant, SEU with 6-6 copper with ground. It really a question between the MC and SEU cable. Both will handle 65 amp at the 75 degrees.
Maybe not for you but with our supply issues its been cheaper to do hard pipe and thhn.
These days it may come down to what you can actually get down at the store. I don't think it makes any real difference. The electrons don't care.
6-6-8 SEU has a neutral which is not required for an EVSE.
No, as a branch circuit, SER would have a neutral which may not be required for a hard-wired install.

However, if supplying a receptacle with a neutral terminal, it would be irresponsible to not connect it.
No, as a branch circuit, SER would have a neutral which may not be required for a hard-wired install.

However, if supplying a receptacle with a neutral terminal, it would be irresponsible to not connect it.

I mixed up U and R.

48A EVSE must be hard-wired.
Plugging (for example) an RV cord into a compatible receptacle would be misuse???
if the receptacle is intended solely for an EV charger, than yes, that would be misuse.

I am not suggesting it is wrong to accommodate some future use of a piece of equipment that is different from its intended use at installation, but I don't see how it is the job of the installer to accommodate something someone might do in the future.

if the owner wants to pay for it, let the owner make the call.
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if the receptacle is intended solely for an EV charger, than yes, that would be misuse.

I am not suggesting it is wrong to accommodate some future use of a piece of equipment that is different from its intended use at installation, but I don't see how it is the job of the installer to accommodate something someone might do in the future.

if the owner wants to pay for it, let the owner make the call.

Doesn’t the 2023 NEC require receptacles installed for EV charging to be labeled “EVSE only” or something like that? Just for this reason. I don’t have a 2023 to check.
Doesn’t the 2023 NEC require receptacles installed for EV charging to be labeled “EVSE only” or something like that? Just for this reason. I don’t have a 2023 to check.
I don't see that in the 2023 code.
Also the 2023 permits 60 amp receptacles to supply EVSE equipment so a 48 amp ESVE would not be required to be hardwired.
My 48 amp Wallbox requires hardwire, it does not come with a plug. The SEU 6-6 with #8 ground is 20 cents cheaper a foot than MC 6/2 but only running about 45 ft from my panel.
If you don't want to run an un-needed neutral, then install a 6-50 receptacle.

If you want to install a 14-50 receptacle, then run the neutral.

IMHO it is not responsible to install a 14-50 receptacle without the neutral. 406.4(F) is the relevant code section, but technically this is only a violation if there is a 14-50 receptacle used elsewhere on the same premises with the neutral connected. (406.4(F) requires that a receptacles with different voltages or other characteristics _on the same premises_ have different configurations. So you are not permitted to use a 14-50 as a 120/240V receptacle in one room, and a 14-50 as a straight 240V receptacle in a different room.)

winnie, not sure if you are replying to me but my EVSE is hardwired so I need two conductors and a ground. The SEU is number 6 x 2 with a surrounding #8 that would be used as a ground. This is the same a MC 6/2 but obviously in a PVC sheath as apposed to the MC but you all know that. Just seeing if per code, would there be any violations running the SEU above a wood drop ceiling to a box and then through the wall in conduit with THHN #6 directly to the EVSE that is on the opposite side of the wall. Could run the SEU directly into it but would look nicer in conduit. Thanks.
As above, running power thru basement to 48 amp EV charger through wall into charger in garage. Will go through wall directly into charger. Debating on MC 6/2 versus SEU 6-6-8. Thoughts please. Will be on 60 amp breaker.
I Us MC, what supply house had. Like one of the guys said. Get the cheapest first and if you can't get what you can.
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