Sewer Lift Station

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I wonder how much of the float change out is due to the bad connections in that junction box.

Isn't that box in the C1D1 area, so doesn't it need to be x-proof?

IMO this is the least desirable way to install this. There should be no junction box in the well.

Needs rated for the location but doesn't need additional seals because it doesn't contain components because of arcing during normal operation, just needs a boundary seal when leaving the haz location.
I agree fully with 52, J-boxes inside the well are not easy or fun to service. There are contamination issues and absolutely the possibility for bad connections galore. Those suppiled boxes are never big enough to keep things workable and clean when they have to be serviced. Everything inside is greasy and slick, etc.
Ever see one like this?
All cables go through that concrete into another Junction box and from there to the control panel.

Yes but..,

A more common setup has an elbow through concrete terminating directly into the control panel where everythjng corrodes badly from constantly breathing H2S. Duct seal isn’t enough.

The waste water plants say the way the hazardous location stuff works it goes away 36” above grade so if you elevate the enclosure on a strut stand other than maybe a seal it’s outside the boundary.
I see a lot of things I don't like there.

I can do a lot of repair/maintenance on the pump without have to un-wire it from the starter. Buy ROTO-FLOAT brand float switches and you won't have to replace them very often. I like StaCon pump panels and Flygt pumps.

On the non-electric side.....might I suggest venting the wet well? This is assuming you have submersible pumps.
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