sg ft price

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brantmacga said:
well, you can't compare a home of 1974 to something built today, when considering the amount of extra time needed to meet current codes, recessed lighting, tv's, phones, with one helper, it would take me 10-12 hrs to do a 1200 sq. ft. home. and what's so wrong w/ wanting to do it old school? you guys have your method, i have mine. i don't claim to be better than any one else or put anyone down for how they perform their work.

I was not putting you down at all, I was just curious. do you solder your wires? Do you twist them and solder them all at once? What kind of tape?

It's odd and interesting to me because it seems like it would take forever.
i didn't say you were, but i get a lot of comments anytime the subject comes up, and there's another thread from a few days ago that had a comment that irked me. so i thought i'd go ahead and throw that out there. so to answer your question, i twist them all then go back w/ a torch and solder. i use 3M temflex or tartan; whichever is available. almost identical tapes except temflex has a higher elongation %. in a 1200 sq. ft. house it takes me and a helper about 2 hrs to make joints and 1 hr to solder, tape, and ground clip. nothing to it.
brantmacga said:
in a 1200 sq. ft. house it takes me and a helper about 2 hrs to make joints and 1 hr to solder, tape, and ground clip. nothing to it.

Do you have any pictures? I'd love to see what a finished box looks like. Do you ever have to break apart the joints?
brantmacga said:
well, you can't compare a home of 1974 to something built today, when considering the amount of extra time needed to meet current codes, recessed lighting, tv's, phones, with one helper, it would take me 10-12 hrs to do a 1200 sq. ft. home. and what's so wrong w/ wanting to do it old school? you guys have your method, i have mine. i don't claim to be better than any one else or put anyone down for how they perform their work.

Nothing wrong with old school. But, this is just a thought. Do you use a heat sink on the wires that are being soldered? If not, what damage could be done to the insulation of the wire for the last few inches as the wire acts as a heat sink ( transfers heat away from soldered area)? Is there an approved method to solder Romex with map gas? What about vapors ( any harmfull fumes )?

Last but not least, it's much easier to teach a helper to install a wire nut than it is to teach proper soldering methods with a lot less chance of fire.
I saw a plumber just the other day trying to solder near combustable material without a heat shield.

Soldering should make an excellent connection but it sounds like a lot of trouble for no return.
Do you have any pictures? I'd love to see what a finished box looks like. Do you ever have to break apart the joints?

a couple; occasionally they have to be broken apart for troubleshooting, but its pretty rare. in that case they have to be cleaned and resoldered w/ heat sheild because its usually in a finished house.

If not, what damage could be done to the insulation of the wire for the last few inches as the wire acts as a heat sink

soldering is not done all the way up to the insulation; taping starts 1" inside the insulation, and past the insulation on the other end 1", and back and forth. . . . .

What about vapors ( any harmfull fumes )?
i'm sure they're not good for you, and i provide masks for anyone who wants to wear it.

Last but not least

it may be easier, but i like the way i do it. i've only had one cold joint come from a helper's soldering.


these are all i had eric.


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