I thought I understood short circuit currents pretty well. But then I realized something I don't quite get.
Take a main distribution panel and a subpanel. I calculate the available short circuit current at each panel. Say I get 40K at the main panel, and 20K at the subpanel.
I know the main breaker in the main panel needs a 40K rating. What do the branch breakers in the main panel need? Or are they considered protected by the main circuit breaker?
At the subpanel, I think the main breaker needs to be rated at 20K, and the branch breakers are protected by the main, correct???
Here is where I really get confused: What if the subpanel is a main lug only (no main breaker)?
Take a main distribution panel and a subpanel. I calculate the available short circuit current at each panel. Say I get 40K at the main panel, and 20K at the subpanel.
I know the main breaker in the main panel needs a 40K rating. What do the branch breakers in the main panel need? Or are they considered protected by the main circuit breaker?
At the subpanel, I think the main breaker needs to be rated at 20K, and the branch breakers are protected by the main, correct???
Here is where I really get confused: What if the subpanel is a main lug only (no main breaker)?