Shut down exaust fan in hospital

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Is there any code requirement, for shutting down an exaust fan with a control module from the fire alarm systems serving various rooms like toilets and equipment room if the AHU unit serving the area shuts down on fire alarm condition.
How many CFM's is the fan? I believe that the cutoff is under 2500 CFM for not requiring shutdown. I may be wrong however.:roll:
Yes, you would have to shut down the AHU if it provides over 2000 cfm, but not normally toilet or equipment room exhaust fans.

But a high rise building with a fire command center might have different requirements that I'm not familar with. It's not a high rise, is it??

Typically exhaust fans do not need to be shut down. Over 2k cfm supply fans do need detection and automatic shut down. Engineered smoke control systems require a Rational Analysis Report which will dictate if exhaust fans need to shut down, but usually no-one cares if it does not affect pressure differentials required for smoke-control.

During a fire event if hot smoke and gasses are exhausted that is a good thing, but if the fan is not rated for high temp, served with e-power and in accordance with CBC smoke-control requirements, it is acceptable to let the fan die on its own.
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