Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
- Location
- Henrico County, VA
- Occupation
- Electrical Contractor
How, if this is the other end of the wires???? :-?This panel is in service right now . . .
How, if this is the other end of the wires???? :-?This panel is in service right now . . .
How, if this is the other end of the wires???? :-?
The box bonding screw for Siemans service panels are being installed at the factory, but
are not driven in all the way. I expect that it is assumed that the installer will tighten it.
Imo it is a poor practice because it appears to be properly installed and it is likely that it will not get tightened. They should leave it unattached.
Has anyone noticed this? and what is your opinion? I have a call in to a Siemans rep. and will question him regarding it.
How, if this is the other end of the wires???? :-?
where are the AFCI's Your area does not need them. Wee need to. Just like if you replace a outlet in a kichen it must be replaced with a GFCI.
This one has been beaten to death but the general consensus is that afcis are not required when you change a service or panel. I too agree with this.
we'll I still think they are required. Those look like nice new branch circuit wires to me.
interesting I just got a statement from a local AHJ about the use of AFCI's in a panel changeout. The answer was " well yes if the dwelling is wired for it. Yah know some of those older homes are not wired for them. cuz the may false trip. " I said are you reffering to MWBC or the fact that the circuit in the bedroom can be in the bathroom and the hall and the kitchen" he said No , Just that the homes are not wired like today.,Even if they are bran' spankin new it still doesn't mean they are required.
New or not changing a panel does not mandate the use of AFCIs.
Even if they are bran' spankin new it still doesn't mean they are required.
New or not changing a panel does not mandate the use of AFCIs.
I get a weird feeling that this Zinsco will remain top riser loaded and is still being used as the 100A main disco, the feeders to the new 4-wire are the ones just hanging there ready to be hooked up. At least the H2O tank is quake strapped.
Matt, What part of SF is this located?
Matt,This wasnt even close to SF, id rather not get into details. A union electrician did the work though.
SF was close to Bay Area, sorry about that. The wireman must be commercial or needs a resi course. The install isn't even close to a safe buyoff and I might add was a waste of 1/0 cu if the 100 A disco was reused. Like I mentioned earlier he needed help. rbj
Are you saying this was active, and wired the way we see it in the pictures?
It was going to be energized as pictured?