sign I saw this morning

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petersonra said:
You really don't need much more than a ladder, some safety and climbing gear, and a few tools to do most tree trimming.

So what does this handyman do with the branches he cut, seeing as though he has no equipment and only charges $45 an hour (because he couldn't possibly have any equipment with that rate!) ? Leave them lying in the yard? Thrown them over the fence into the neighbors yard? Throw them into a pickup and dump them in the woods? Make a burn pile?

You get what you pay for. ;)
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peter d said:

People who clear forests for a living are called loggers here too. People who trim and remove trees for homes, business, and the poco are called arborists.

LMAO ahh so loggers clear forest..Here and I thought loggers were just tree haters..

Here they clear forests..They select cut areas and clean them up for housing developements..They use their bucket trucks to trim and remove trees from yards..They use their chippers to clean up the messes after tree removal..they take their stump grinders and remove your stumps..some of them even Will bring their portable saw mill over and saw up your trees for you..oh and most of them have college degree's

Last time I checked the ones who where only clearing forests for a living are going bankrupt..

maybe in your' area they can rely upon only one aspect to they are versatile..kind of like us..:grin:
Okay everybody, we have expanded on the "sign I saw this morning" to the point of "who knows" so it's time to put it to bed.

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