Silencing Smoke Detectors

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Silencing Smoke Detectors

I would think that if dinner is continually setting off the smokes ,perhaps the noise might alert the cook to the fact that something is amiss in his/her cooking process..?


Sierrasparky said:
Silhouette ... Those are great.
Anyone know about what they will cost.

They look sharp...hard to believe it has taken this long for someone to make a smoke detector that doesn't stickout like a sore thumb, huh?
Dennis Alwon said:
My wife is looking for a remote that she can point at me to silence me. The best she has come up with is a gun.

Why would you want to silence the alarm esp. if it only last 7 minutes?
I spose a gun would be considered the ultimate "remote control"
Received a reply from Kidde about their standard smokes with a hush button. You must press the button on the unit that is in alarm.

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