Simple 'question'.

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jrannis said:
I would say you guys do pretty good in the Bay Area

Local 6 San Francisco
Journeyman Scale: $ 53.05
Health & Welfare: 10.38
Pension: 4.46
Annuity: 3.04
Vacation: 12% gross weekly wage
Working Assessments:

Local 332 San Jose
Journeyman Scale: $ 47.57
Health & Welfare: 8.98
Pension: 5.55
Annuity: 2.80
Vacation: 0
Working Assessments: 7%

Local 551 Santa Rosa
Journeyman Scale: $ 42.33
Health & Welfare: 7.73
Pension: 4.00
Annuity: 0
Vacation: 10%
Working Assessments: 4.25%

I personally work non union, for a local shop. I do not make that wage, but they definately take care of me. :smile:

Never really thought about it like success.

I have exceeded the expectations set out for me by my high school guidance consular.

She told me I was a loser and would always be a loser with no future.

I exceeded the expectations of the hard arse mechanics that told me as an apprentice I would never make at as an electrician.

I exceed the expectations of the career counselor that told me I should become a plumber because I did not have the aptitude for electrical work.

And I exceeded the expectations of those that told me I'd never make it in business.

I just want to say thanks to all of them for giving me drive, I guess I am on the way to success.

But most of all my hats off to my wife for 4 WONDERFUL kids and that shows me I can be successful at the one most important things to me, MY FAMILY.
John, with the exception of the last people on your list, you talk to too many people. :grin: But I like the way you think.

I was a single dad from his age 8 until, well, now (21 next month.) I know your rewards make it all worthwhile. :)
All bills paid, no debt
Customers that love me
Happy Family
At peace with my maker
Being able to whistle while I work, now that one is important !!....haha
TOOL_5150 said:
I personally work non union, for a local shop. I do not make that wage, but they definately take care of me. :smile:


Maybe you should ask you boss why you have to make less than the prevailing rate. It seems like that is what customers are paying for the work it that area.
Makes you wonder where all of the money is going.....
Tell your boss not to work cheap!
Success -Family, love my family. Career, I have never had job since I became a electrican. I enjoy the work, the learning and the guys I work with. I am looking at a beautiful day, holding my two week old granddaughter ( 9th ) down in Columbus, Ohio and next week I will be holding my 4 1/2 month granddaughter ( 8th ) in Arvada Colorado. Doesn't get any better than that.
iwire said:
That will be enough on the Union - non-union comments.

yeah...take that talk to to the Civil war forum......
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I like to set goals for myself. Right now my next goal is to someday be able to take my tools off and asume a more managerial role. I want to be like Bob and sit behind a big ole mahogany desk and count money all day...with a big stogie in my mouth.:wink: just kidding bob hey you gotta give me credit I didnt chime in on the union issue as much as i wanted to
tonyou812 said:
I like to set goals for myself. Right now my next goal is to someday be able to take my tools off and asume a more managerial role. I want to be like Bob and sit behind a big ole mahogany desk and count money all day...with a big stogie in my mouth.:wink: just kidding bob hey you gotta give me credit I didnt chime in on the union issue as much as i wanted to

You don't have to chime in on the "U" word, your first two sentences say alot about your view on that organization.
success for me would be..

success for me would be..

Making more money then working for someone else and having more free time for my family.
success = loving wife, loving children, loving grandkids, enough money to pay the bills, stable employment and the desire to continue to set goals and achieve them..a sense of humor...

oh yea and maybe one of those vaporizer buttons like bob has...:grin:
Brian, it sounds like you and I had the same guidance counselor! You didn't go tho high school in Ohio, did you?

If I have not learned anything in my 38 years since high school is that for the majority of us high school means NOTHING. I have never had to show a HS diploma and I have done alright for myself. Oh and I kick butt sitting on the couch playing Jeopardy.

My daughter is a straight "A" student but struggles with friends I tell her this all the that what happens in HS has nothing to do with life (but keep the grades up).

Her answer, "Yeah dad you can say that, I have to live it."
brian john said:
If I have not learned anything in my 38 years since high school is that for the majority of us high school means NOTHING. I have never had to show a HS diploma and I have done alright for myself. Oh and I kick butt sitting on the couch playing Jeopardy.

My daughter is a straight "A" student but struggles with friends I tell her this all the that what happens in HS has nothing to do with life (but keep the grades up).

Her answer, "Yeah dad you can say that, I have to live it."
Well, education is important, but as my boss pointed out when he hired me...and offered me almost twice what I was making to do the same's only a piece of paper, it doesn't tell me you can do anything, I've seen your drawings, they tell me what you can do.

Good grades in high school could lead to a free ride in college, which could lead to a great career of learning what she loves to do!
This ones a dandy 480!! Like Marc said any day you arrive at home safe and in one piece ia a sucess. Eating every day and living indoors. The rest is gravy. I stopped measuring sucess with money and toys a long time ago. I'll probably always be able to spend a little more given the opportunity and I pretty much have all the toys I've ever wanted. Every morning when I get up and I'm not staring at grass roots I consider the night to have passed sucessfully!! I still get an enormous thrill from flipping the switch and seeing what I've installed work,wether it be some complicated bit of automation or a kitchen light. In all this I try to remember that I am a lucky sob. Yes I have worked hard to get where I am today but I've had some great teachers, I was born with the intellectual capacity to grasp electrical theory, and I've been in the right places at the right times. I've worked on jobs where I've been the "goto" guy for tough problems and I have enjoyed knowing that I had the respect of my peers, but it does not compare to the feeling of self respect one can have from knowing you've done the next right thing. I guess the most visible, real indication of sucess that I have is the beautifull blonde I live with who offers to Knock the snot out of me any time my head is stuffed.
iaov said:
This ones a dandy 480!! Like Marc said any day you arrive at home safe and in one piece ia a sucess. Eating every day and living indoors. The rest is gravy. I stopped measuring sucess with money and toys a long time ago. I'll probably always be able to spend a little more given the opportunity and I pretty much have all the toys I've ever wanted. Every morning when I get up and I'm not staring at grass roots I consider the night to have passed sucessfully!! I still get an enormous thrill from flipping the switch and seeing what I've installed work,wether it be some complicated bit of automation or a kitchen light. In all this I try to remember that I am a lucky sob. Yes I have worked hard to get where I am today but I've had some great teachers, I was born with the intellectual capacity to grasp electrical theory, and I've been in the right places at the right times. I've worked on jobs where I've been the "goto" guy for tough problems and I have enjoyed knowing that I had the respect of my peers, but it does not compare to the feeling of self respect one can have from knowing you've done the next right thing. I guess the most visible, real indication of sucess that I have is the beautifull blonde I live with who offers to Knock the snot out of me any time my head is stuffed.
I was about to say that I agree with everything you said, but I do have to disagree with one thing:

I live with a beautiful redhead. :) She and I are twins, just like Arnold and Danny.
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