Congratulations on your persuits. Good Luck !!!
Get into a prep course, do all the studing you can, use multiply authors of books.
What I'm seen lately (here) is people stuck to one author, and state that they didn't cover some subject aspect that was on the test.
Frankly I find that nearsided (can't see far) cause if its in the "code book" it could be on the test in some form or fashion.
Theres plenty of examples of house service Calc's of varoius applications in the back of the box, for a good over-view. Get some Prep Books, do the exercises, I can only stress doing the math problem repetitively, based on the question that they ask and with the understanding the Code as to when and where to apply it. Don't forget the Index is your friend.
It's just like the job, theres plenty of work to complete the task.