Singleplex recep on a MWBC

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Am I allowed to do this for one of the hot legs provided this will be the only receptacle on that particular ungrounded conductor?

Putting a dedicated 20A run for a bedroom window AC unit (singleplex) and the other hot leg will feed a bathroom GFCI receptacle. Hope that setup is OK because I've already ran/terminated the 12/3 homerun to an outlet in the basement... ;) From there 2 - 12/2 runs... This is fed from a double pole 20A.

Yea... Still 02'. I thought of this ahead of time which is why I went with it. Already had a roll of 12/3 in the basement as well.
The 2002 NEC requires ALL branch circuit that supply 125 volt, single phase, 15 and 20 amp outlets installed in dwelling unit bedrooms to be AFCI protected. (See 210.12)

A side from whether or not your state requires AFCI's or not, (here Indiana doesn't)

two things, if fed this way, bath receptacle had to be a receptacle type GFCI, not a breaker GFCI, and the single receptacle for the AC unit has to be a rated 20 amp receptacle. (210.21(B)(1)
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Yes, I think you read it wrong. The a/c is one phase of the mwbc and the GFCI in the bathroom is the other.
But what about the "outlet in the basement"...??? You can't have two "dedicated" circuits, one for bathroom and one for a/c, if there is also a basement oulet Perhaps he meant Jbox... perhaps not???
madpenguin said:
I've already ran/terminated the 12/3 homerun to an outlet in the basement... From there 2 - 12/2 runs...
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