Sizing a gutter or a pull box

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Senior Member
If you were to run a 2" conduit into the side of a gutter or a Pull Box and leave it via the back of the box, would you size it to 6X the diameter of the conduit. If so would a 12"x12"x4" pull box work . Per 312-6(A)
If you were to run a 2" conduit into the side of a gutter or a Pull Box and leave it via the back of the box, would you size it to 6X the diameter of the conduit. If so would a 12"x12"x4" pull box work . Per 312-6(A)

According to 314.28 (A)(2) you would be right on the 12" minimum (6x2") and if you are using the 3/0AWG you mentioned in your post about sizing the neutral for a sub panel you would be right on the 4" minimum according to the exception in 314.28 (2).
I always like pictures.

After seeing this Picture and reading the code articles, I would say your answer was correct.
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