Sizing overhead service entrance conductors

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I am afraid to post on this topic as everyone will realize just how dumb I am but here goes....
not dumb but perhaps ignorant of the facts-- very different..

First a common denominator here is for a 200 amp panel use 3/0 and for 400 use 400 mcm. Since the OP says it is a residential single service why not 2/0 and for the 200 amp according to 310.15(b)(6) 2008 edition.

400 kcm is fine for 400 amps since it serves the entire load of the unit however if you have 2- 200 amp panels then neither panel serves the entire load so the ampacity must be based on 310.15 not (B)(7) resi table. That means 3/0 must be used

Second for 400 residential services I use the 320m meter fittings. I would think it would be much less expensive.

If I am all wet on this I would like to know it. Everyone can go ahead and laugh now.


Typically a 400 amp meter base is rated 320 continuous load and 400 amps non continuous so in essence the 320 amp base is called a 400 amp meter base.
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