smart phones...

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i have had everything from 2 blackberrys to my last which was a blackjack. about a year ago I got a at&t tilt which is a HTC 8100 ( i think) and it is the greatest phone i have ever had


I have been using Verizon's Treo 700w (windows) for about two years now. It's been pretty nice. I keep my schedule on the calendar, and also keep track of time billed to specific jobs with an excel spreadsheet. I have had some issues with lock-up, but nothing too hard to overlook.
ChrisTravis said:
I have been using Verizon's Treo 700w (windows) for about two years now. It's been pretty nice. I keep my schedule on the calendar, and also keep track of time billed to specific jobs with an excel spreadsheet. I have had some issues with lock-up, but nothing too hard to overlook.

how bulky is that Treo? does it sync to outlook? The Treo seems very thick.

The Treo is probably about 5/8" thick. It is a little bulky, but not overly. I do buy the heavy duty cases with velcro closure (after a few falls out of the standard case), so it is a tad bulky, but I guess I am just used to it. It does sync to outlook as well as syncing wirelessly to a Microsoft Exchange server.
I have had them all. The Blackberry Curve is the best all around for me. I work with Email quite a bit and was very disappointed with the Windows CE platform. I couldnt wait to get back to Blackberry.
I have the Treo 700wx. It is about a year old and is becoming prone to lockups. It is a very durable phone but I am looking at going to a Blackberry Curve next time. It really is a shame you can't update these when they start to get tired.
I have had the Blackberry 8130 for about 5 months. I really like the size, once your fingers get use to the keyboard, you will find it fairly easy to use. I will say that surfing the web with it is a waste of time.
I use mine for texting, picture texting, email, calendar function (great for the very forgetful) and of course the calling feature.

P.S. The unlimited texting and picture texting is definitely worth it, you can save a ton of minutes by texting.
Sierrasparky said:
one palm treo because the app to program the door locks will only work with palm.
Were getting a unit that uses windows CE because another app needs a ceertain Java applet only written in windows.....

I don't know if this will help.
Is it Palmbased or windows based??
I just picked up a Palm Centro. Seems ok so far. $60 but I paid another $50 for a holder and a car charger but they throw in a hands free hand set :) I had a $50 2 year upgrade rebate.

this unit has word, excel. I was told it would sync to outlook. I haven't tried that yet. Not sure of all the details. I just don't need a data package that you have to get with the black berry.
Pierre C Belarge said:
I will say that surfing the web with it is a waste of time.

Shortly after I got mine I went to the boonies to look at a job for a hot tub install. They were pouring a concrete pad and I wanted my conduit in beforehand. All the HO had was a brochure with model number. I pulled out the phone, went to company website and downloaded pdf with electrical stub up locations and proceeded to dig away. :D Worth every penny at that moment and time.
Anyone have the Iphone? I am considering either that or a Blackberry Curve. I am concerned that the Iphone is more toy than business. I synch my Outlook and Calendar and all my contacts (customers and vendors) are in the Treo. That totals about 2500 people, I was wondering if the I phone can handle that amount of contacts and still sych with outlook
I would highly recommend getting a phone with the same type of operating system that you are already used to using. I had a Palm V and went to a Dell Axim (neither had phone capabilities), the change was a bit clunky but I learned to like the Windows operating system. When I got a Blackberry, I didn't like it at all and took it back the next day to get an AT&T Smartphone with an updated Windows operating system (Windows Mobile 5.0) and love it since there was almost no learning curve and I could hit the ground running.

Since you had a Blackberry, I would think you would want to get a newer version. :smile:
charlie said:
I would highly recommend getting a phone with the same type of operating system that you are already used to using. I had a Palm V and went to a Dell Axim (neither had phone capabilities), the change was a bit clunky but I learned to like the Windows operating system. When I got a Blackberry, I didn't like it at all and took it back the next day to get an AT&T Smartphone with an updated Windows operating system (Windows Mobile 5.0) and love it since there was almost no learning curve and I could hit the ground running.

Since you had a Blackberry, I would think you would want to get a newer version. :smile:

Everytime I get sucked into buying a windows CE device I could kick myself.
They lock up at least once a day, at the worst possible moment, and have to be re-booted.
Blackberry with a full qwerty keyboard works great for me and has all of the functions of CE
Actually Charlie, I have a Treo 700wx with Windows and it locks up alot. I have to constantly go in and turn off programs because they don't stop running when you "X" out of them. They always run in the background. That is why I was thinking the Curve or the Iphone.
I had the same problem with the Dash, nice phone, lots of features, but it would keep 10 programs running in the background. No way to set it to turn them off, you have to do it manually. If you dont keep up with it it gets really slow.
I gave the Dash to my 12 year old and got the Curve. The Curve has all of the same features, 100x better email service and best of all no CE!
I was thinking about the Iphone due to the fact that if I have to look at a cut sheet or a picture of a light fixture or job for that matter, it seems like a good phone to get a clear picture. The large screen is nice. Any Blackberry Curve owners, how does your phone work for these applications?
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