Solar PV Inverter - Location, Closer to Panel or Meter


Senior Member
So I am preparing drawings for future solar pv provisions. This is for a small multifamily building. The solar pv breaker will be on the house panel. The house panel will be in the basement but the meter center will be outside the building.

So the question is, would the solar pv vendor likely install the inverter in the basement next to the house panel or outside next to the meter center?

Thank you
Probably next to the panel but you can't be too sure. If it's a large system that needs a supply side connection they may prefer to do it by the meter. Other details could matter too.
So I am preparing drawings for future solar pv provisions. This is for a small multifamily building. The solar pv breaker will be on the house panel. The house panel will be in the basement but the meter center will be outside the building.

So the question is, would the solar pv vendor likely install the inverter in the basement next to the house panel or outside next to the meter center?

Thank you
I infer that it will be connected on the load side of the service disconnect through a backfed breaker. The first thing to do is to check if the AHJ has any rules for the inverter location. They will likely require a PV AC disconnect on the outside of the building; if that is the case it would be easier to put the inverter out there as well.
Thank you for your feedback. That makes sense. Yes it will be a load side connection.
It leads me to a follow up question...
Will the panel with the PV breaker require a main breaker or will the breaker at the meter center be adequate per code?

Please see what I mean here on the riser diagram.
Thank you for your feedback. That makes sense. Yes it will be a load side connection.
It leads me to a follow up question...
Will the panel with the PV breaker require a main breaker or will the breaker at the meter center be adequate per code?

Please see what I mean here on the riser diagram.
The breaker at the meter is fine.
Yes, the panel needs to be protected, but it can be done by a main breaker or a breaker on the feeder supplying it. 705.12 needs to be complied with in the panel.