Here's an install manual for the ConnectDER socket adapter.
It appears to be a newer version but it seems unlikely that the basic design has changed.
The manual states there's a factory installed N-G bond. It tells you to land a neutral (only) in the meter socket and to the ConnectDER. Its j-box is removable, and has four pins that plug into the socket adapter, for a 4 wire connection. It also has the breaker in the bottom, which it claims is readily accessible. I'm still a little weirded out by considering that breaker a readily accessible service/PV disconnect, But supposing I accept that, your N-G bond is in the socket adapter and shouldn't be made again downstream. The manual doesn't quite come out and say that you can't leave out the green wire and make an N-G bond downstream, but it also doesn't say you can or even to ask your AHJ! Regardless, in our OP's case they landed a green wire in the ConnectDER j-box, which is bonded to the neutral there, so the inspector was correct to remove the additional N-G bond in the fused disconnect. And in fact I don't see why that fused disconnect is even necessary, assuming I accept the pretty-hidden-and-questionably-accessible breaker in the DER as the service/PV disconnect.