Solution for Overdutied Industrial Control Panels

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You blow a fuse and you don't have one in house at 3:00 in the morning it may be a day or two before you can get one.
Of course, that's a planning problem, not an engineering one; if uptime is important, having spares on-hand usually is, too. (Acknowledged that there is a cost/benefit part, too. Keeping a set of $200 fuses on the shelf can be a tough sell.)
Of course, that's a planning problem, not an engineering one; if uptime is important, having spares on-hand usually is, too. (Acknowledged that there is a cost/benefit part, too. Keeping a set of $200 fuses on the shelf can be a tough sell.)
It is hard to justify keeping every known value of fuse in every UL class of fuse.

Used to be sort of common that when you sold something that had fuses in it you had to supply a set of spares of every value and type. Some of the fuse manufacturers used to even sell spare fuse cabinets to put the spare fuses in.
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