Source for ambiguous exam questions- CCTV maximum length

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That would be the easy thing to do except that I don't believe they exist for this exam. Wasn't that talked about early on? I think the OP was just assuming in your quote.


To my knowledge there is no cut and dry study guide of ambiguous answers. PSI sells several books (which I have glanced through them and found them to be as informative as a house plant) The typical being of course the NEC code book. There is not practice test for this field. More than half of the questions are ambiguous and many have none to little correlation with a communications trade.

For Example:
" What is a block? "

One must unlearn 2 decades of real life training, on the job experiences, tours of manufactures plants, speaking with engineers and language to match a very large beauracratic system composed of mainly morons. If the test answer of what is the longest communication horizontal length is truly recognized by the state as being only 90m that means the current rewiring in Hartford going on right now is one big violation!

Yes I was being faciouous, "pay us enough money and we'll make you a star! " is PSI's mentality. These books are an insult to ones' knowledge. If any one could read this crap and actually learn something, they should not be in this field. About as informative as the continuing education courses.

Farther up some on mentioned " take on city hall after... rather make money...:As I said earlier, 20 years ago I had to wait 10 months to take my T2 exam because an electrical contractor had the state tied up with a court proceeding because the state of CT said that he HAD to be a CT resident to take the E1 test. No you do not need to live in CT to take the E1 and have a contracting business. He won. Course after that my license fee tripled and its duration halved,

Legal recourse is not my first choice either. I would rather present a 10 page letter and verbal argument before the board than a 20 page complaint and legal brief before a hemorrhoid infested equally old coot.
get a hold of the ct dept of employment services. they have a program that actually helps people prepare for these exams. i have a cousing in ct. thaty used to do thias stuff. it might take some woprk to find it, but it's there. good luck
1 month update

1 month update

Figured I wouldn't let this die out with out a fight. I did contact the Ct Trade Education or what the prior poster mentioned above. Yes the trade schools will uneducated the past 2 decades of my acquired knowledge and help me memorize the incorrect answers so I pass... Actually spoke with the teacher who gives the class and he more than understands the ignorance of the state and PSI.

But school ain't my style...

So now after numerous letters all of the sudden the CT State Elec Directors office is replying to emails and PSI calls me but of course the state is either playing dumb or so wrapped up in bureaucratic red tape I don't think he has the competency to place me in front of the cream of the crop of our states knowledge of trades for an oral review and to show them why the exam is over 60% ambiguous questions.

I am getting more and more known two party recorded calls with PSI that state "We are not qualified to review the tests. We have no knowledge of the test material at this office" . I will probably end up in litigation with the state just like back in the 90's the electrical contractor who did not live in CT but qualified to take the E1 exam but was denied because of his residency.

On another note any one who takes a PSI exam, I recommend you memorize as many questions as you can.

Hope fully the knowledge I acquire will be of service to the citizens of the state of CT and to others.
I fully agree that the exam questions should be reviewed each year and be kept as up to date as possible. What good would a journeymans exam be if it had questions about knob and tube and 60 amp 2 wire services?

I say go get 'em! :thumbsup:

CCTV Maximum Lenth

CCTV Maximum Lenth

I'd have answered 700 feet if it was an option.

If I recall "most camera manufacturer's" manuals state:
RG 59 700ft
RG 6 900ft
RG11 1100ft

and RG 59 being the typical size -- I'd go with 700ft.
Someone else below said 300 feet and I'd go with that if the cabe was old-style 23AWG Copper-Clad-Steel CCTV.

(If there's science to it, I once was told that the total "loop" voltage drop is to be <1V. Given that, and the DC resistance of the conductors + shield (95% Bare Copper -- itself a hard number to find for each cable size) -- I calculated lengths about 20%-30% longer than the 700 / 900 /1100 camera manuals. And that's probably the safety factor they's use.)
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