Southwire Price Sheets

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Senior Member
Newport, NC
Has anyone found a use for Southwire's price sheet for estimating. I have tried to compare it to supply house prices over time to see how it coresponds, but the price sheet seems so ridiculously high that I have not found a good ratio to its prices and supply house. I have not found a good/affordable estimating program for our business, so I was hoping Southwire would be of use to me without having to call around for prices whenever I need to bid a job.
the price sheet is list price. Ask your supplier to give you a multiplier you can use to determine your price. Problem is, wire pricing has been so unstable for the last 18-24 months you pretty much need to check before each bid. I've seen a 15% increase in some products in the last few weeks. next time copper goes down im stocking up...
last time I stocked up when copper went down it went down even more and stayed there for a year

im only speaking of a couple types I use ALOT of. if it falls more after I buy, ill buy more and further reduce my average cost (or something like that). like southwest air does on their fuel.
After you stock up, go short on copper futures as a hedge.;)
I might if I can figure out what that means, I understand the individual words "short" "futures" "hedge" but would have no idea how to do it.

Also after I stock up on wire I'm going to have about $37.14 available to invest, and I was thinking lunch for a few days would be a good investment.
After you stock up, go short on copper futures as a hedge.;)

short, futures, hedge? Those sound like words that caused goldman sachs to have to go to the principal's office and get yelled at. I watched parts of the sentate hearing today, i would rather continue to be broke than sit at that table....
Call your supply house and ask them to give you a multiplier. Make sure you know what sheet they are on as well, as sometimes they have several sheets online at the same time that they change back and forth on. There will be a different multiplier for each type of wire, THHN, NMB, XHHW, MC etc.

Depending on how much copper fluctuates in price, the multiplier may change as often as every couple of days, but lately, I think they have only been changing every two weeks or so. It used to be you could count on your prices being the same for a whole month, but those days are long gone now.
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