Southwire Reels...

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Senior Member
Louisville, Kentucky
I have 4 of the Southwire Reusable Wire Reels that I would like to get rid of. These are new and are not working out for me.

Instead of putting them on eBay I would like to offer some or all of them to someone here. The price for all 4 is $15.00 which covers S&H.

If you are interested please send me a PM with shipping information for UPS delivery.

First come first served.

Merry Christmas
They had them at HD on clearance for less than that. I would just throw them away. Not even worth the time and effort to get a measly $15.
I own both types. I climb up onto commercial roofs to service air conditioning units all the time, no electrical hazard in that and the alum ladders are a whole lot easier to carry.;)
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