Space heater breaker size

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
Alright this install is existing 40A breaker is their and so is the space heater. Plans call it existing not that I field verify. So its not like I did something just breaker seemed over sized. Why not even 50 then or 60? No upper limit go as high as you want?

Talk about some items that mentioned no I cannot see nameplate because I sit on desk looking at plans. We have no idea whats out in field just whats in drawing. No nameplate provided and no manufacturer instruction provided or model number


Code Historian
Electrical Design
Generally the OCPD is for the conductors not the utilization equipment. Now that said there are some select equipment things that code gives a size limit for, but usually it will come down to the instructions 110.3(B)
Not true for listed equipment. Equipment is often relying on the branch OCPD for protection.
Why not even 50 then or 60? No upper limit go as high as you want?
You could take the position that a heater is in fact utilization equipment and apply article 422 to get an upper limit.
It would be a pretty up hill battle trying to prove otherwise.
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