Specification Notes

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Senior Member
When readint through a spec and you want to make notes of specific items, conduit type, wire type, etc. etc.how do you call out these items. Do you put a tag on the page, do you highlight, do you write the impoirtant items down somewhere else? Thanks.


I use little stickie notes that are about 1"x2" and I tab the following

Job Duration
Liquidated Damages
If the insurance requirements are higher than average
Conduit type, uses, min sizes etc. If a specific conduit or MC is disallowed I'll highlight it in red highlighter
Any specific wire call outs ex: XHHW for 1/0 and greater
I'll also tab any suppliers that are specified for subs. Fire Alarm, Generator, AV etc.
Any mention of temp power in electrical specs will be tabbed.

I also write the important things on the front of the job folder. Other people in our office write in on a separate piece of paper and stick it in the job folder.


Senior Member
I use little stickie notes that are about 1"x2" and I tab the following

Job Duration
Liquidated Damages
If the insurance requirements are higher than average
Conduit type, uses, min sizes etc. If a specific conduit or MC is disallowed I'll highlight it in red highlighter
Any specific wire call outs ex: XHHW for 1/0 and greater
I'll also tab any suppliers that are specified for subs. Fire Alarm, Generator, AV etc.
Any mention of temp power in electrical specs will be tabbed.

I also write the important things on the front of the job folder. Other people in our office write in on a separate piece of paper and stick it in the job folder.

Thanks. Yeah, not reading the specs thoroughly can bring in a bad job.


Senior Member
Thanks. Yeah, not reading the specs thoroughly can bring in a bad job.

The design build projects, where there are no specs to read, usually result in a bad job, but every year we see more and more design build jobs go bad, there was a roof collapse on a job yesterday, my bet is, it was a design build job. Having a folder with complete specs and notes, usually works better then winging it without a good plan set.
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