Speed Check

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iwire said:
What do you fail?

The NEC has no such requirement, if there a local requirement?

Yes it is the NMEC

(2) Section 210.19 Conductors ? Minimum ampacity and size. See this section of the NEC and
add the following to subsection (A) Branch circuits not more than 600 volts. (1) General: see this section of the NEC
and add: conductors for branch circuits shall be sized to prevent excessive voltage drop.

I'm not sure where the three percent comes from. I have inspection scheduled tomorrow and I'll try to find out.
ElectricianJeff said:
Ok, back from dinner.

Neutral is taped white, GEC is taped green, both in panel and meter socket, just doesn't show in the pic. No outside disconnect, neutral and ground are bonded at meter can. Only one ground rod in case you are wondering.:wink: plastic plumbing, no rebar

#12 minimum pretty much required here on new construction...They tell me its a local amendment that I have never questioned.

Inspector also told me local amendment says no more than 8 outlets per circut. Since he only took 3 steps inside I guess he will never know.:cool:
only 1 ground rod? what is the primary ground then? You should have 2 ground rods if no copper plumbing line coming in.
j_erickson said:
One 72" story pole for me with marks at 16". 45". 56". 16 to the bottom of receptacles, 45 to the bottom of switches and all countertop boxes, and 56 for t-stats, under cabinet lights (high on purpose so the cabinet guys can lower them a bit and there are no holes to patch). The purpose of a 6' story pole is to lay out maximum distance between receptacles. 6' from an opening, 12' between. But really this is only for the few customers pinching pennies. Otherwise I place them where I think they are usefull and have a few more than necessary. And that 6' stick is great for centering lights in all but the largest rooms.
I like that idea. I'm surprised I never saw anyone using that method when I was wiring houses.
I'd like to add that I mark my holes for drilling with a hunk of stud cut to length. Makes all the holes the same height, which makes pulling romex much easier, and looks great (inspectors can tell when you take pride in your work).

That said, I've never tried to compete with the romex monkey squads. The generals I work for don't typically go out for bids, they just use my price to quote the jobs. We clean up completely after every job: sweep and vacuum up drill shavings, carry out all trash.

Additionally, we make up all connections (panel(s), switches, receptacles, lights, everything: inspectors in our area require it). Does make it faster on trim out.
steelersman said:
I like that idea. I'm surprised I never saw anyone using that method when I was wiring houses.


But a few times walking with my stick I've been mistaken for Moses.:grin:
j_erickson said:

But a few times walking with my stick I've been mistaken for Moses.:grin:

Moses Electric. :roll: We've been around for a long long time.
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