Splicing Generator Feeders

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I installed a Generac and ran that precious Ziller electric cable that costs $11 per foot from the generator to the ATS. The hots made it but the neutral and ground were both too short. I bugged them in the transfer switch and ran the last twelve or so inches to their respective terminals. Is this allowed or am I going to fail inspection?

Just to be clear, I had no more wire on my truck (made a mistake measuring, I know measure twice cut once, it was very stupid to run out of wire, etc. just want to get all of this said right now so I can get purely helpful comments) and there was no way to make the wires reach.
Awesome thank you so much. I did use butt connectors but I just taped it and color coded it. The heat shrink is an excellent idea I’ll certainly go back and remove the tape and put the heat shrink on. That will look awesome. Thanks again.
Awesome thank you so much. I did use butt connectors but I just taped it and color coded it. The heat shrink is an excellent idea I’ll certainly go back and remove the tape and put the heat shrink on. That will look awesome. Thanks again.
If you used the correct splices and they are inside the ATS I would not go back and change them. Why should you they are inside an encloser that no one is going to be playing in after inspection.
I dislike tape as insulation for a permanent installation. I would use a cold shrink over the splice. If you want to feel all warm and fuzzy cover that with colored tape.
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