Dan Mulligan
We have an apartment building with a 1600-amp service. The sprinkler main comes through the slab in steel pipe for 18" and changes to PVC for the rest of the sprinkler piping. The Building Official feels the 18" of pipe needs to be bonded with 3/0. The code he is using is 250.104(B). Does 18" of pipe qualify as a piping system and if it does and needs to be bonded, would it need to be sized based on the service size? The Building Official's argument is there is 10' of pipe underground and if someone were to come in contact with a live wire like an extension cord and the sprinkler main, the bond wire has to be big because the sprinkler main is big.
We don't think it needs to be bonded at all because it is not likely to become energized. And even if we had a full steel sprinkler piping system the bond would be the equipment grounding conductor for the circuit that is likely to energize the piping system, in this case the 120-volt sprinkler bell.