Square D 8536 Motor Starter


I'm working on a 3 phase 240v motore starter with a 240v coil for the city fire sirens. I have one side of the coil fed with a 120v leg from C phase and the other side is switched off of B phase. I have 120v to ground on each leg but 0v in between. I tested the coil and I am reading 70 ohms so that should be good. Any help would be appreciated TIA.
has it quit working? OLs reset?
Is this a wild leg system?

I found 240 v starter coils hard to trouble shoot, I changed all 240 and 480 to 120.
Others will be able to assist
You may have a bad coil.
By the way what kind of siren does it run?
I had a civil defense air raid siren with a 7 1/2 hp roots blower. Could hear it 5 miles away
You may have a bad coil.
By the way what kind of siren does it run?
I had a civil defense air raid siren with a 7 1/2 hp roots blower. Could hear it 5 miles away
It is the big sirens up on poles for emergency services. The coil has 70 ohms. Maybe it could still be bad?
Don't go by the ohms. if you have 240V at the coil terminals, the coil is burned out, if you don't have 240V the something is wrong with the power, wiring or control contacts.