I cannot believe that anyone with "Service Experience",Would say that "Wago's" or "Push-in " connectors are reliable.Yes they are great for New Construction,fast and easy.But, when I come in ,the wires you ran are now in use and under full load.Some at full load and that load is continuous.I'm seeing more and more Power Boxes with "Wago" splices and I'm constantly having to remove the Wago's, twist the wires and install a wire nut so that a machine can be put back into service.I have no problem using them in light fixtures but, not for equitment or MWBC's.They may be FAST,and Easy but,are YOU really installing a reliable system? Service guys see all your "Great" and sometimes "Terrible" work. When you work New Construction you have to answer to the GC.When you're in service you have to answer to the customer who paid for the work. The customer is WAY more unforgiving. lol I'm not saying all "Wago" splices fail.I'm saying "Wago's" failing is becoming a common trend in Industrial apps. It may be "Legal" but, so was drinking and driving at one time. lol