After spending the last few days speaking with generator sales people and a handful of local contractors I am convinced that a fair amount of residential stand by whole house generator units are actually improperly installed.I'm finding that contractors are selling 20KW units with service rated 200A transfer switches( seem to be priced quite well when packaged together) and putting them in with the majority of them having only load shed capability for AC.When I ask about high amperage draw appliances(dryers, ranges, ovens etc) I am being told that "we just tell the customer they won't be able to run those items and to use commom sense".One Co. told me that they know a good majority of the AHJ's and they never look any further than if the unit starts up. One guy even went so far as to say if you actually size it to the full load, you'll never get the job because the unit is going to be too expensive. Does anyone else work in area where there seems to be no real enforcement of NEC 702? I realize that common sense goes a long way in many of these situations and many probably never have a issue but who takes the heat when you get the customers calling saying their units are going into overload and they can't operate their "whole house" after they spent $6K on the set up?